001. For Artz.

4 min readApr 10, 2021


Written & edited by nathanmaton & NVO (ASG too kinda)

We know. Last night was rough. Your coin price is down. Bitclout won’t load. The re-clouting feature will never come.

I guess that’s how it’s going to be out here. It’s the wild wild west. And I for one am here for it. With all this spirit and energy in mind, we bring you… BitsTODAY, a daily digest of the most far-out experiments, cool posts, general absurdity, and everything in between happening in the world of clout... rn. Let’s dive in 🐋.

Diamondhands’ drops 💎:

#1 Reclouts

We begged. We screamed. And @LazyNina delivered. The feature went live last night, and, as a surprise to none, led to an absolute torrent of re-clouts. There’s no levee in the world that wouldn’t have broken after that flood of re-clouts, *sheesh*.


In one of the primary types of promos / sweepstakes now taking Bitclount by storm, people are offering up to $5k for lucky reclouters. Will it work? It’s a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for ‘em.


Of course, meme accounts said “well HELLO” after the re-clouting feature went live. We’ve seen a wave of accounts pivoting to a re-clout based approach; if you haven’t, it means you’re probably still working 8 hours a day.

#2: Inequality Already?

Over the last few days, the #Bitcloutboys have made a splash with accounts like TalentFundII, Craig, and many more. In parallel, RenataVC rightly posed a key question: “Which top female creators (actually active ones, sorry arianagrande) will be the first to make it into the top ten list?


There is burgeoning momentum here, with jakeudell making diversifying Bitclout an emphasis of his and investing in a bunch of female clouters (see list here).

We are hopeful we’ll see a top 10 female account on BitClout (that’s active), as early as next week. What do you all think? Drop your comments below.

#3: Cloutato

@artz (yeah him) started a fun game by offering 1 clout to someone who would take .01 of the clout and pass it to someone else with a silly potato picture. As of this writing, the cloutato sits with netnavigator. Can we get some fries with that? (P.S. How long did it take you to realize this is a potato-blockchain? It was right there and you still didn’t see it. Don’t lie.)

#4 New tools

Bitclout is built using bonding curves to determine prices. Not exactly the most intuitive thing, so we won’t go that deep on it here. If you’re like me and are… er, not super interested in doing mental math, @prosperclout is your friend. It allows you to enter a coin price and investment amount (buy or sell) and quickly the potential price impact. Let’s hope someday this gets baked into the site (& we swear that’s not a continuation of the potato theme).

#5 Bitclout firsts

@hubspot joined and blasted the first official posts from a publicly traded company out to the platform (I think). Who’s next? Tesla? Gamestonk? Send us your guesses.

Whew! That’s a wrap for now.

Re-clouts are raining like a monsoon in Manilla, meme accounts are proliferating like rabbits in springtime, and @ASG still has his day job (for now). Check back tomorrow to see if that’s still the case ;)

Keep it clouty out there, folks.




BitsTODAY, a nightly digest of far-out experiments, sick posts, general absurdity, and everything in between happening in the world of DeSo & BitClout… rn.