004. Into the wild.

7 min readApr 13, 2021

Today’s issue includes special guest curation from scottco in addition to nathanmaton. NVO tackled the writing, with all bits designed by dripcult. Guest bit (intro) designed by @losingmyego . @ASG got us verified (in less than an hour lol) with the help of @game7, so today he is officially: Undervalued.

Four days and seven BitCycles ago (anyone claim @abrahamlincoln yet?), a band of ragged brothers assembled in the wild. They were hungry, cold, and, transparently, a bit afraid. What was this brave new world they had been thrust into?

Coming into our fourth edition, we, like many of you, are still a rag-tag team trying to keep up with the breakneck pace of evolution on Bitclout. One minute we feel like we’re actually getting the hang of things, the next @Broom is pitching a physical for digital broom 🧹 swap live on the @bitcloutpulse stage. Anyone know the market size for digital witches?

This is all the magic of early adoption and a platform with boundless potential. Let’s explore all that kept us out of our comfort zones today, shall we? 🐋

Guest bit design (intro) by @losingmyego


Diamondhands’ drops 💎:

#1 Innovation by the dozen

Meme courtesy of @memes_r_us

There has been a verifiable FLOOD of insane new innovation on BitClout over the past twenty four hours. Yesterday, we saw the first successful transfers on @Bitswap hitting the wires. @Bitswap (created by @sigil & @aryanm) provides users the ability to swap BitClout for ETH, ideally eliminating reliance on OTC brokers to transfer value off-platform.

This is significant for a host of reasons. For one, a common refrain pitting BitClout as a scam has been that there’s no safe / seamless way to translate on-platform value off-platform. While @BitSwap is still in beta, @Sigil was quoted in New York Magazine (more on that later) indicating we could see broader expansion of the tool in mid-April. Which to us sounds like a few days from now.

We do wonder whether we’ll see a wave of selling once @BitSwap does go broad market. Surely there are countless pump and dumpers, as well as real value-creators who have 3-dimensional-world bills to pay, who will be eager to realize some gains soon. By the same token (*winks in crypto*), as countless new tools come online for a whole host of services, we tend to think it’s more likely that the value of the platform will actually increase as people who were previously hesitant see a path to the promised land (whatever that may be for them).

In any case, @Sigil, we’d love to have you on for an AMA this week to talk about the future of @BitSwap. We bet you’re busy building, but if you had time for New York Mag, maybe you’ll have time for some BitClout-native news, too ;).

In the interim, here are a few other notable projects that you should know about:

  1. Ready to quit your day job and go full time for BitClout? Yeah, we’re considering it too. Fortunately @jobclout is already hard at work building a BitClout career marketplace. Who knows, you might just see a job posting from @BitsTODAY there soon. Until then, you can see some featured jobs below:

2. Yesterday, we witnessed one of the first live pitch contests on Bitclout, akin to but certainly much less cringe than Shark Tank (take notes, @markcuban). Here’s a few words from the creator of the experience (@doyouhaveclout) on yesterday’s winner:

3. We’re consistently blown-away by all the great ideation and idea generation surrounding desired BitClout UX. In particular, we loved a few great shouts from @charliehilton that were making the rounds today. Here’s some visualizations to get you salivating:

Chamath SPACing $charliehilton FTW
@ASG says if @mention autofill isn’t your #1 feature request you’re an undercover cop.

4. As far as the creative arts are concerned, keep an eye on @Fungibles, who is creating the Etsy for NFT artists on BitClout. You absolutely love to see all the energy behind great artists who are building on BitClout. 🚀

Midnight Hustler by William Willoughby

#2 Watch out, Boomer media coming thru

Brace yourselves for fiercer battles ahead. Have your parents, bosses, partners, and perhaps even your dogs, cats, and hamsters interrogated you about all the time you’re spending on that new internet platform yet? Trust us, it’s on the horizon.

Yesterday we hypothesized it wouldn’t be long before BitClout landed squarely in the crosshairs of legacy media brands and journos. Sure enough, we only needed to wait another 12 hours or so before New York mag came in hot with a piece on “The Mysterious Influencer Stock Market Worth $1 Billion.” Nailed it.

We won’t spill much ink on the piece itself, though we were glad to see them feature @sigil and mention the work he’s doing with @BitSwap. The proverbial adage that any press is good press is a bit intellectually lazy, but our core view is that as Bitclout enters the common consciousness, there’ll be innumerable people who find in it what we have, namely a way to leverage our unique skillsets, foster creativity and community, all while sharing absurd memes and meta-takes on what it means to merely exist on BitClout. And that’s what it’s all about.

Big ups to @Hydrocryptic for alerting us to this when it first hit the wires 💪

#3 The Clout-Iverse Expands

Just like the universe in which we all spent time B.C. (Before Clout), the Clout-Iverse is ever expanding, too. While we’re all heads down posting, re-clouting, and scouring for the next big creators, it’s also prudent to take a step back and admire how far the platform has already come. Come along and hop on our spaceship; we’ll take you for a ride to get a bird’s eye view (shoutout to our brethren @bitnews as well as @cloutgate for providing rocket fuel for the trip):

Data via cloutgate.com

And finally, per our friends @bitcloutsignal, we’re SUPER jazzed to feature a fresh look at the top transactions from the past 24 hours. 👀 *sirens blare* Whale alert here!


Unfortunately, as beautiful as this BitClout experiment is, there’s plenty of bad actors trying to take advantage of it for a quick buck. Last night, @Moshehogeg bravely admitted to having fallen victim to a major scam. Particularly concerning is that the scammer appears to have been officially verified by Bitclout. Needless to say we’re hungry for more leads or info here from any of you who have boots on the ground.

Someone send moshehogeg some flowers

#5 Other noteables

Finally, here are some honorable mentions on this fine Monday evening:

  • *Complex enters the chat.* You heard that right, Complex, an OG king of clout, has claimed their account. @Complex, y’all ready for a collab? We’re thinking a co-branded edition on all things ‘clout culture. You can hit us up @BitsTODAY anytime. Really.
  • @TheQueenofClout, we see you putting in the work to champion notable creators on BitClout. We’re all about building a great ecosystem of news and information on the platform, and would love to have you bring one of your interviews into the friendly confines of @BitsTODAY. Give us a holler and we’ll figure out the details!
it’s a feeling; it’s an aesthetic
  • Getting a little bit stressed juggling your newfound passion with ‘Before Clout’ responsibilities? Same here. Fortunately @vaporwave blessed us with this soothing visual aesthetic earlier today. We imagine this is what it feels like to wade into a nice refreshing pool of clout. And of course, the moon is ever in view 🌙

Another one bites the dust. Major props again today to @scottco for the guest curation. And for all you lovely readers, we’d be stoked to have you come guest curate and put your own flavor on an edition of @BitsTODAY in the near future. We’d especially love to feature diverse voices — shoot us a DM if you fit the bill.

Over and out,

The @BitsTODAY team.




BitsTODAY, a nightly digest of far-out experiments, sick posts, general absurdity, and everything in between happening in the world of DeSo & BitClout… rn.