028. Friday Night Happy Hour 🍺

7 min readMay 15, 2021


Today’s edition cover design was provided courtesy of @annietung

Come one, come all to another edition of our @BitsTODAY Friday Night Happy Hour! We hope you’re settling into the comfiest nook of your place with a cocktail (or coffee if you’re in time zone where it’s already Saturday) to let us regale you with our proprietary mix of serious news and silliness from across BitClout. Of course, there’s lots of secret ingredients that go into the special @BitsTODAY recipe (not to mention @nvo’s linguistic flair) that you can’t get elsewhere.

Alright, we’re boring you and you just want your drink, we get it. Coming right up.

Guest cover design by @annietung


Today’s Clout Covered:

  1. BuzzClout: Exclusive look at today’s movers and shakers presented by @bitcloutsignal
  2. Ubiquitous UX Drops: Bot Police Inbound 🚨?
  3. New Whale Species: @BitCreatorCapital
  4. @BitsTODAY contest winner: Supercharging energy on BitClout?
  5. Friday Night Lightning Round: General Absurdity

Diamondhands’ drops 💎

#1 BuzzClout

First things first. In partnership with @bitcloutsignal, here’s an exclusive look at today’s movers and shakers:

#2 Ubiquitous UX Drops: Bot Police Inbound 🚨?

UX drops have been a bit slower this week (granting us at @BitsTODAY) a wee bit of a reprieve. The north star for the Bitclout devs likely remains driving towards full open-source; we’re sure they’re hammering away at that roll-out.

There are tidbits trickling in about bits and pieces that are being explored and added. For one, @tijn alerted his followers to something new that @diamondhands and the gang of party hats looks to be integrating, namely DataDome, an anti-bot solution.

Whoop whoop that’s the sound of the police!

There’s all kinds of bots that we’d love to see rooted out of the platform. Might we see overall activity and engagement drop as a result? Definitely, but ideally it’d be purging the platform of unwanted interactions, early coin scalpers, etc.

We’ll be curious to watch whether this also hurts some of the productive / useful 🤖 on Bitclout. Hopefully the answer is that there will be a way to discriminate; there are plenty of use cases for bots that help the community. For one, we like @RemindMe. As another potential future example, @Benorloff and others were kicking around the idea of creating a bot that sends advice to new users (e.g. consider buying your own coin, what the founder reward is, etc.)

We’ll hold to see how and when this is actually rolled out… and in the interim, we’ll religiously be checking to see if our follower count gets cut in half 😬😬😬.

#3 New whale has entered the splash zone: @BitCreatorCapital 🐋

Looking to supercharge investment in your creator coin? Anecdotally, it does feel like investment on-platform has dried up a bit of recent… *tumbleweed rolls past*. But we’re here to keep things positive and optimistic in the confines of this happy hour 🍻. The good news? Countless thoughtful investors and teams on BitClout are spinning up new funds that are raising and pooling capital explicitly to invest in phenomenal projects and creators on BitClout.

Getting access to Bit Creator Capital 24 hrs early feels like getting the in Super Mario

One of the most recent and high-profile that dropped just today? @BitCreatorCapital, a new launch from @nigeleccles, co-founder of Fanduel, CEO of Flick (and a valuable member of the @BitsTODAY familia… He’s our podcast host) alongside @noahkindler. Look out folks, there’s a new breed of 🐳 in town. The fund’s value proposition? The @BitCreatorCapital website lays it out clearly:

And what qualities do @nigeleccles and team look for in new investments. They laid this out quite transparently, too (see here):


@BitCreatorCapital hit the ground running this afternoon announcing with two initial investments in @Cloutedones and @cloutsights. Three cheers for these hard working teams who have netted major capital and a major vote of confidence from an experienced operator, founder and manager! What a way for them to launch into the weekend, eh? 🍾🍾🍾

My name is ASG and I approve this message 🦂

#4 @BitsTODAY contest winner: Supercharging the energy on BitClout?

The following coverage from @MarkBentley won our first ever @BitsTODAY submission contest. This is one of the most interesting (potential) examples of a company with a real-world use case looking to raise money on BitClout. Can we be sure it’s 100% legit? Never. But we thank @MarkBentley for bringing it to our (and now everyone’s) attention and for the fun write-up! Here’s @MarkBentley on @Amplify21:

Need a lil’ boost to get your Friday night started after this happy hour? How’s a 442% boost? That is what our resident (and as of yet deeply underdiscovered) engineering genius @Andrew_chubinskyi has purportedly achieved with his innovative @Amplify21 technology, which claims to be able to ‘recuperate’ 442% more useful energy in systems where its gravity mechanical recuperator is implemented.

Yeah — we know things got pretty technical here real fast. By installing the magnetic driver developed by the team at @Amplify21, genius @Andrew_chubinskyi’s goal is to extend the range of existing EV vehicles. @Amplify 21’s website notes they’re optimistic that their tech will enable EVs to drive 1,300+ miles on a battery capacity of only 32 kWh. To help put this into context, a Tesla Model 3 currently has a range of 300–400 miles.

Beyond the tech, what’s crazy about this project is that @Andrew_chubinskyi, who has 8 years of experience in scientific and experimental research in magnetic fields, is calling on the @BitClout community to help (i) fundraise and to (ii) make connections to EV manufacturers like Tesla Motors to partner and use their technology. @Amplify21 even has BitClout listed on their website as a place they encourage investment. @elonmusk, you watching? 👀👀 And is it possible that BitClout will help matchmake the ⚡⚡⚡ romance of the century??

See post here.

If @Amplify21 sticks to their plan on BitClout, this could be a massively undervalued project and one of the first that’s using BitClout to raise capital and awareness despite developing tech outside of the BitClout ecosystem (i.e. they’re goal is to reduce global CO2 emissions and introduce their tech into electric ground and air transport, not to build a better BitClout interface or create a monetization vehicle).

Of course, as always … additional due diligence is critical before 🦍🦍🦍’ing into a project like this. There are warning signs worth taking note of. For one, the company’s Twitter account appears to be suspended.

There’s an alternative scenario here; this could also be a elaborate ruse to drum up some unsuspecting clouter cash, a first-of-its-kind EV tech-rug, if you will. We hope that’s not the case and would love to chat with you @andrew_chubinsky. Thanks again @markbentley for this stellar entry!

Disclaimer: The author and @BitsTODAY editors hold @Amplify21’s coin and are doing further diligence.

#5 Friday Night Lightning Round: General Absurdity

Day and night (what, what)

I toss and turn, I keep @Mae in my mind, mind (what, what)

What other wild, wacky, absurd stuff went down on the clout this week?

For one, we saw mama @maebeam got a kick out of one of the umpteen tik toks that clouters have been spinning up for her contest. While not the perfect dub, @GIFclout spun up a video in which @maebeam’s avatar sings along to “Day-N-Nite” by Kid Cudi.

Please have Maeyonce sing all the single ladies next

Elsewhere in general absurdity? We’re excited to see if @ThePennyTrader can join @ClayPerryMusic and @CloutedMemes in the vaunted short-list of people who have completed the @NachoAverage gauntlet — aka spending 24 hours straight on their 24/7 zoom room.

When are we going to start having nacho night on nacho average? That’s what I want to know.

Perhaps we should extend the challenge to 26.2 hours and make this the official marathon of BitClout? We can even mint NFTs for people that can prove they ‘ran’ one. After all, if you complete a marathon and don’t tell everyone about it with mugs, t-shirts, and bumper stickers, did you really do it?

Alrighty, it’s last call time here at the @BitsTODAY happy hour. We hope you’ve got good plans for the rest of your Friday evening, whether it be spending some time in the @NachoAverage zoom room, finding a local Clubhouse hang to talk BC, or letting this @BitsTODAY edition tuck you into 🛏️ as the last you thing you read before turning out the lights (*lovingly pulls the blankets over you snuggly*). We’ll be back Sunday with a hardy weekend recap. Don’t miss us too much between now and then.






BitsTODAY, a nightly digest of far-out experiments, sick posts, general absurdity, and everything in between happening in the world of DeSo & BitClout… rn.