060 — NFT Drops inbound 💦💦💦

7 min readJul 19, 2021

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Arrre ya ready to rumblllle? 🥊

We can feel it in the air tonight (*queues Phil Collins*). We’re gonna break out of the rut this coming week. BitClout is gonna be poppin’. $clout’s goin’ up, NFTs droppin’. @ASG’s quitting his day job (er… prob not yet).

Yes, this is all speculation from @nvo’s coffee-infused 🧠. But we think (hope?) the recent doldrums are coming to a close. If we start acting like it… maybe we can manifest it. Speak it into truth. Sound fair? Lez get after it 👉

Bits on the menu today:

  1. BuzzClout: Exclusive updates from @bitcloutsignal and @bithunt ⚡️
  2. Ubiquitous UX drops: NFTs are droppin’ … literally 💦
  3. BitClout roadmap 🛣️: Plenty of gas to burn 🔥
  4. Moon markets: Questioning the infinite $clout bid ♾️
  5. The cloutifieds: @cloutcon runs it back 🚨🔁

Diamondhands’ drops 💎

#1 BuzzClout

Alright, let’s get rollin’. Here’s a look at which creators made the biggest moves today, brought to you by @bitcloutsignal:

Same goes for the community projects … who’s starting the new week off on the right 🦶?? @bithunt’s got the scoop for us:

#2 Ubiquitous UX drops: NFTs are droppin’ … literally 💦

Guess who? @redpartyhat in the house to inject some energy back into this joint. Eagle eyed creators (@ReadyPlayerOne in this case 🦅) spotted a recent backend code update pertaining to the coming NFT functionality on BitClout. As always, dev reporter extraordinaire, @tijn, lays it out well for us:

Is this … the most fitting @BitsTODAY UX ‘drop’ of all time???

For one, this has us hyped because at this point, any progress on the NFT front makes us optimistic that the launch time is drawing nigh. Further, as noted @tijn, this one in particular feels like it could be geared at making the NFT launch on BitClout as splashy as possible. Perhaps the core team is working on a special set of NFTs in partnership with new artists / creators they’re onboarding that will ‘drop’ on day 0, i.e. when NFTs go live? This may be closer than we think, as the admin screen for defining drops is already avail:

*sets drop date for 7/20 at 12:00 am* ⌛⌛⌛

If you’ll indulge us in fantasy land for a minute ✨, the idea of a new @beeple release, batched with other artwork or special NFTs from other creators, all bundled up and dropped to commemorate the launch of NFTs on BitClout has us seriously fired up. We’ll need the drop itself to cool us down 🥵.

Somewhat surprisingly, it does also look like there’ll be a bitclout.com feed for an NFT marketplace. We imagine this will be pretty bare-bones… for something as curated and sleek as a Foundation or Rarible, that’ll probs be up to the community to build:

this little NFT went to market 🐖

Beyond NFTs, a number of additional UX/UI updates were pushed through recently. While these are minor changes, it shows the team and the community are focused on improving the frontend. This in turn is important so that we can make BitClout stickier; if and when new users start rolling in, we’ll want them to you know … enjoy their experience 🌊

It’s pronounced @BitsTODAY

Among the biggest changes? In our opinion, the @Cloutavista integration into the bitclout.com search bar is a huge:

hey siri, plz change your name to ‘cloutavista’. thx

It’s a ringing endorsement of the product first and foremost (👏👏👏), and also serves as an iterative reminder that @diamondhands and team are all about empowering the community to build the solutions we want. They’ll hold our hand for now, but someday, the training wheels should come off and we’ll be out here building in the cloutiverse on our own 🌌.

#3 BitClout roadmap 🛣️: Plenty of gas to burn 🔥

Every so often, BitClout creators wow us with their independent data analyses. We get even more excited when we see multiple creators piggybacking off of one another, expanding on threads 🧵 and connecting the dots between their original thinking. Here’s an example that epitomizes a lot of what’s been discussing about the BitClout roadmap in recent weeks.

@ItsAditya is here to get the fire started for us:

🎶 when a fire starts to burn …

The takeaway here is pretty clear — only a fraction of creators with reserved profiles have actually claimed their accounts ~2.04% to be precise. That’s a lot of profiles that are still ripe for the claiming, all of which include no shortage of financial incentives for their owners to hop on board.

And here’s where we started to see connections drawn between thinking from other creators. While responding to a post from @Krassenstein, @SirRhett also used @ItsAditya’s analysis as a launching point for his take on how the core team might prime the pumps for an explosive launch down the road ⛽:

… and it starts to spread 🎶🔥

We love this about the BitClout community — independent, sharp creators coming together to discuss and hypothesize effective ways to improve and in this case, scale BitClout. Perhaps we need a repo for marketing ideas, not just UI / UX proposals? @diamondhands, y’all taking notes out here? 📝📝📝

#4 Moon markets: Challenging the infinite bid ♾️

Alright, our section title here, borrowed from when $clout first listed on blockchain.com, may not quite be the right tone for where the price is rn. Surprise, maybe that’s the real reason we’re tryna pump up the energy a bit in this issue ⚡⚡⚡.

Earlier today, after a fat ~$250k sell block hit the wires, the price of $clout dipped below $100 for a brief moment. These are price levels few of us have seen, except true OGs who have been around since the wall first came down and bitclout.com came online.

anyone get some orders filled @ $94 ??? 👀👀👀

We’re not here to fear monger about the $clout price. We are interested in the seemingly infinite bid at $100, tho. At this point, the most logical conclusion that many in the community have come to is that the core team is supporting the $100 price level with funds from the treasury, i.e. funds raised in initial sales of $clout. While this is speculative and there could theoretically be sufficient bids from other orgs, e.g. large funds or VCs, an Occam's razor approach suggests the core team is propping prices. For optics, presumably.

The question we’d like to pose then is … should they be? If the true market price of $clout absent the infinite bid were, say, $50, new users as well as all of us existing users could accumulate more $clout for less. There’s been plenty of moaning and groaning about wanting to buy $clout at the price the whales bought. What if we all could?

Similarly, while turning on paid acquisition now would run contrary to the roadmap of waiting for NFTs and to improve the frontend, some experimentation with mini campaigns, e.g. $10 for new $clout users and more once certain engagement metrics are hit, could be fruitful to test now. Once it’s time to go full blitzscale, there’d be some data on what works vs. what might need iteration. All just food for thought. For now, we’ll keep our eyes on that $100 buy wall and hope new exchanges, NFTs, and more carry us up off that level and render this whole debate mute 😇.

#5 The cloutifieds: @cloutcon runs it back 🚨🔁

NFTs and the coming ‘gas on the fire’ marketing frenzy for BitClout not enough for you? Well … that makes one of us …

But the MOAR the merrier, right? @cloutcon, the masterminds behind the original Miami x BitClout meet-up in April, are back with their next BitClout event offering. And this time? Anyone with an internet connection should be able to get involved. No plane tix needed ✈️❌:

Join us for a panel on aging gracefully, hosted by @ASG

That’s right folks — in a short ~10 days, we’re gonna have the chance to mix, mingle, collab, and discuss all the general absurdity on BitClout that we normally only get to gossip about over Discord. And we’ll get to do it in the virtual format we’ve all gotten accustomed to over the past ~2 years. Aka presentable on the top, sweat pants (or nada) on the bottom. 🤪

Make sure to grab your admission to this virtual event extravaganza; we’re stoked to get a full run-down of all the different panels, speakers, and activations 🔜🔜🔜. After a hype Miami event, @Cloutcon clearly isn’t slowing their roll. Make sure you’re not either 💪.

Thanks for jamming with us for the big edition # 0–6–0, gang! The ride continues 🚀. Through thick and thin … @BitsTODAY is here to cover it all for ya.

Until death do us part,

The @BitsTODAY squad




BitsTODAY, a nightly digest of far-out experiments, sick posts, general absurdity, and everything in between happening in the world of DeSo & BitClout… rn.