067. Pami-girl szn.

6 min readAug 3, 2021

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Hello clouters,

How we all doin’? Everyone gettin’ their bids in on some of the hottest NFTs on BitClout? We sure are. We even secured one of @LazyNina’s first-ever NFTs 👀👀👀. That’s clout right there ❤️💪:

@LazyNina we will RC you all the way to the moon any day our sweet sweet dev ❤️

Anywho, enough about us. What have you lovely clouters been up to? Let’s take a look around the world of BitClout and find out 👇.

Bits on the menu tonight:

  1. BuzzClout: Exclusive updates from @bitcloutsignal and @bithunt ⚡️
  2. Ubiquitous UX drops: BitClout NFTs going so HAM they broke @blockchain 😬
  3. 🐳 Watch 🚨: @diamondhands says #CALLGOD and connects with @ab84 for 6 🏈
  4. The cloutifieds: The @BitsTODAY 1/1 NF50 is HERE! 🥵⌛
  5. Pami-girl szn: It’s a @pamelaanderson NFT trading card takeover ☀️

Diamondhands’ drops 💎

#1 BuzzClout

Which creators were making the most noise on the platform today? The Movers & Shakers by @bitcloutsignal has answers for us:

Which community project are the 🐋s hopping into? For that info, let’s turn to @bithunt:

#2 Ubiquitous UX drops: BitClout NFTs going so HAM they broke @blockchain 😬

Now that NFTs are live? While there’s lots more for the BitClout dev team to update and launch on the NFT side, there’s some other fires that they need to put out, too 🚒🚒🚒. As @tijn brought to everyone’s attention earlier today (he’s faster than a lambo 🏎️ and covers more ground than the ocean 🌊, people), there have been rolling issues with @blockchain, the first major exchange that $clout began trading on earlier in June.

@tijn is our president. We salute you king 🫂

With @diamondhands noting this is a top priority fix for the team, we’re confident things will start working again soon. As NFTs attract more attention to BitClout, seamless exchange is critical to retain new users. Here’s to hoping Coinbase + other giants come online this month 🤞.

Meanwhile, on the community projects side, while we wait to see which teams will develop the best NFT marketplaces, @cloutavista has enabled search filtering mechanisms to find and browse NFTs more easily on their website:

OK… who let @dripcult work on an avatar NFT project?

While we expect dedicated teams to come out with superior NFT marketplace products for people who are REALLY trying to maximize their NFT browsing and window shopping experience 🛍️🛒, adding this functionality to search is an important step from the @cloutavista team. Being able to search not just posts, but NFTs, (and someday maybe even nodes?), is critical to discoverability on BitClout. More on that in a special edition tomorrow ;).

Looks like @cloutavista has found some high-profile users already too. @diamondhands noted NFT curators will use this new discoverability functionality for the 1st NFT showcase on bitclout.com, which will go live Wednesday 🎨🖼️📈:

We are all bout to put that gas on the fire baby LFG

Ad astra, NFTs, community projects and newly empowered creators! ✨

#3 🐳 Watch 🚨: @diamondhands says #CALLGOD and connects with @ab for 6 🏈

Following up on yesterday’s edition, in which we breathlessly covered the action surrounding NFTs on BitClout, including eye-watering investments and capital flows into NFTs and their creators, we figured … let’s run it back! There’s been plenty more hype that we didn’t cover yesterday. For one? Looks like Antonio Brown @ab might be the first professional (and Super Bowl-winning) athlete to mint an NFT on BitClout 🚀.

and it’s @diamondhands connecting with @ab84 on a post-route!

As Antonio teased an upcoming release, @diamondhands seized on the opportunity, recommending @ab84 set royalties for his coin hodlers and market the release of the NFT on Twitter. @ab84 seems game 😤🔝:

What’s the over/under on a $30k sale price for AB’s first NFT?

@diamondhands also noted he’d ape into @ab84 coin himself if and when @ab84 agreed to launch his NFT w/ comparable terms to what 💎🙌 laid out. Sure enough… he came thru with the bag 💰. That’s a dynamic QB to WR connection if we’ve ever seen one 💥:

it’s @ab84 for 6! A 25k yard touchdown to kick off the game!

Is this an informal start to the ‘gas on the fire’ marketing phase of BitClout’s history ⛽🔥? Sure seems like it. While @diamondhands and co are likely still prepping more updates for NFTs, we imagine this will be the first example of many whereby they encourage big-time creators to join the platform and spend $clout liberally to encourage existing clouters to attract their fan base.

if we had to guess, yes, it’ll work ;)… moon soon 🌙

#4 The cloutifieds: The @BitsTODAY 1/1 NF50 is HERE! 🥵

Ahem… pardon the interruption. While we’re all goin’ absolutely nuts for NFTs, we wanted to make sure we all provided you, our loyal fan base, with the opportunity to check out the MOST RARE @BitsTODAY NFT there will ever be…namely our NF50 1/1. Here’s the link to the NFT: clout.link/50 😍

there she… is in all her glory ✨ — that’s history baby 🌙

The NFT is a mosaic gif of our first 50 issue covers and comes with a framed, physical canvas print as well as @BitsTODAY top 10 coin holder benefits FOR LIFE 🤯. Bidding is already up to 30 $clout thx to the legendary @THETALENTFUNDII and @reade…and the BitClout NFT Showcase hasn’t even opened yet! will anyone take us beyond the moon and land us in the distant stars of the cloutiverse 🌌?

#5 Pami-girl szn: It’s a @pamelaanderson NFT trading card takeover

Today in general absurdity? It’s not Baywatch … but it's just as hot (if not more so) 🥵. After swooping up a Rowdy Reptile NFT from @illuMEMEnati yesterday, @pamelaanderson is now jumping into the mix with an NFT trading card series of her own 😋:

The chance to pick up a Pamela Anderson rookie NFT? The 13-year-old me is freaking tf out on the inside — but I am trying to play it cool on the outside.

The demand for these things is indubitably going to be absolutely smokin’. We might need to call the dev team to come put out a different type of fire over here 🔥. Maybe these will be part of the bitclout.com NFT showcase on Wednesday? We’d love to see it 💖. TBD!

In other news, wanted to continue the appreciation post and extend big thanks to @reade, as well. The man, the myth, the legend behind @THETALENTFUNDII is following in daddy @dharmesh’s footsteps and is giving away $reade coins to members of the community who have made significant contributions to BitClout. That’s A1 leadership right there 🐂:

gonna tell my kids this is my dad

We salute you, @reade! Our contribution? Bet you never thought you’d be mentioned in the same section as @pamelaanderson. ;)

Boom goes the dynamite. Another issue in the books. Thanks for jammin’ w/ us squad. Catch u l8ter.





BitsTODAY, a nightly digest of far-out experiments, sick posts, general absurdity, and everything in between happening in the world of DeSo & BitClout… rn.