045. Blockchain makes it official-official.

7 min readJun 15, 2021

Guten Tag meine Damen und Herren,

This is @nvo reporting from the-middle-of-nowhere, Germany. In a few short hours, we’ll all know exactly what lies on the other side of the second major countdown to grace the headline banners of Bitclout.com… Maybe another countdown? (could you imagine?)

In other news, did you have fun taking a trip down memory lane this evening with all your old notifications? Since we figure you’ve had enough reminiscing for one day, here’s some new content to pass the hours ‘till the next confetti-equivalent showers down our pages 🎉 Auf geht’s!

Cover photo by @AylaCroft


Bits on the menu today:

  1. BuzzClout: Exclusive look at today’s movers and shakers presented by @bitcloutsignal
  2. Ubiquitous UX Drops: @Blockchain makes it official-official 🎉
  3. Up & Coming Creators: @ArtTank: 🎨 + 🦈
  4. OG flex zone: Show me your @bitcard
  5. General Absurdity: One 🐳 to rule them all?

Diamondhands’ drops 💎

#1 BuzzClout

First things first. In partnership with @bitcloutsignal, here’s an exclusive look at today’s movers and shakers:

#2 Ubiquitous UX Drops: @Blockchain makes it official-official 🎉

Here you have it — yesterday’s news (and the news from a few weeks ago) again today — Blockchain.com will become the first major exchange to list $clout. And they’re planning on setting it live tomorrow! 🎉🦍🌙

*Pretends like we didn’t already know this for the last 3 weeks*

As we discussed in yesterday’s issue, the listing that will likely go live around when the second timer currently counting down on Bitclout.com goes off. It also probably won’t mean instant liquidity for everyone who wants to trade $clout. Peter Smith, CEO of @Blockchain and @onemorepeter on Bitclout, noted the following re: the listing in his medium post:

“In about 24 hours, we’ll enable limit-only orders to be placed so customers can participate in price discovery without matching orders. Then 24 hours after limit-only orders are live, we’ll enable live trading. The first order books are CLOUT-USD and CLOUT-BTC.”

In English, this means the first 24 hours of trading will look more like an automated OTC marketplace (imagine someone holding your hand and connecting you with buyers in a discord), while things will look more similar to what you expect from a Coinbase or a Uniswap another 24 hours after that when liquidity really starts flowing 💦.

Further, for now, only exchanging Bitclout and USDs for $clout will be supported. As we wrote about in last night’s issue, there’s also many states in the US that don’t support Blockchain. This listing is branded as an “exclusive launch partnership,” so while it’s a great step, we expect other exchanges to be close behind. Especially with @Brian_Armstrong, CEO of Coinbase, claiming his CC today:

Coinbase CEO claims his account the night before the Blockchain listing. WHAT A MOVE.

All of this is perfect for the core team… they can keep tossing umpteen more timers up on Bitclout.com 😂⌛.

Get this. its like the right sidebar, but it’s on the LEFT! 🤯

In actual UX news, @lazynina also executed one of the … er … lazier UX changes we’ve seen on site so far. Not that we don’t appreciate it, but the same information available on the right dash on Bitclout.com is also now analyzable under the “Trends” tab that appears on the left dash below “Home.” What’s new here? You can scroll deeper in this new trends tab, so it’s not all duplicative. It also now gives you mobile access — which is cool I guess. What we really hope is that they’re just setting up this new splash page to house some far more in-depth tracking & trend analysis tools long term… TBD!

#3 Up & Coming Creators: @ArtTank: 🎨 + 🦈

Of recent (and really throughout Bitclout’s short history), OG clouters from their towering vantage point atop mountainous creator coin prices have asked themselves… would I be having any fun here if I were a little guy? And as we covered in these pages yesterday, considerable resources, including @bitcloutpulse’s new onboarding content, are being devoted to build a more welcoming, seamless, and successful early experience for folks who are new to the clout-iverse.

Still, you’d have to be 100% focused on @rajpull to have missed distress signals from artists and emerging creators in past weeks. The challenge? Investment and engagement has slowed, and it’s hard for even the most stellar NFTers, artists, photographers, and others to realize Bitclout’s value proposition of liberating creators to simply … create.

So who is going to onboard Mr Wonderful?

Enter @ArtTank. While no contest can be a panacea, on the heels of other great challenges like the $20,000 @Cloutted giveaway (which is live for an extra week!), the good folks over at @ArtTank are working up something special. Conceived of by the newly verified @shubhang (kid’s got some wind in his sails 💨) and not verified @FreeMrktCptlst, this monthly, recurring event is bringing the shark tank ethos to artists on Bitclout. The name of the game? A panel of judges will evaluate artists’ submissions and pick two winners to feature and invest in every month.

The panel will ultimately include 3 🐳s and 4 artists (including @charliehilton, @ghozt, @cryptographr, @WilliamLaurent to whet your appetite), as well as a tie breaker if necessary. What a group to get your art in front of, eh? The winners of @ArtTank’s rolling competitions will score $1,000 investments from 🐳s and, perhaps more importantly, will be massively amplified on @ArtTank’s page, by the artists and whales on the project’s panels, as well as by @bitstoday. Financial + attention capital = 📈

For now, make sure to follow @ArtTank and all of the legends mentioned above for details coming soon. And then fire up another espresso, it’s time to get creative!

(editor’s note: we have added @WilliamLaurent as part of the panel.)

#4 OG flex zone: Show me your @bitcard

This following is a guest contribution by @cloutcobain.

We brought in the coolest pseudonymous mofo on the blockchain to give you the low on these here bitcards. tell them whats up, @cloutcobain!

The Bitcard Numbered Series: The exclusive community of card carrying BitClout OGs. Pulled from The Ether by @artstory and the @cloutedones and forged into existence on BitClout, we’ve created a first of its kind community for our NFT cardholders. We’re only making 1,000 cards in the Numbered Series, released in increasingly expensive blocks of 50 units.

Each block, we’ll be teaming up with some of the most unique, vibrant personalities and projects BitClout has to offer and infusing that card set with their style. @BitsTODAY was a no-brainer for our first partnership. @ASG and his crew have been the source of truth on this rapidly evolving platform and we’re STOKED to have a block of 50 Bitcards that will forever be branded with their iconic publication.

Did I mention we’re only minting 1000 of them? Did I mention each card will have their owners name and Clout-Day imprinted on it? Did I mention that if you don’t cop one of one thousand, you’re going to end up begging someone to sell you their NFT? Did I mention that this is just a slick piece of art? We’re forming a community. Flashing your Bitcard will be the clout equivalent of dropping a Black Card down on the bar tab. Seriously. Get them now while they’re cheap, they won’t be for long.

Oh yeah, there’s perks too.

Join the club. @CloutCobain

#5 General Absurdity: One 🐳 to rule them all?

In today’s edition of general absurdity, we want to make sure everyone’s whale watching tours are trained on the one, the only… drumroll please… @artz.

We want to give a special shout out to papa @artz, who is supercharging community engagement and kicking it into the clout-isphere. First he doubled down on the @botbets challenge by doubling the investments offered to creators who advance through each round. What a good guy move.

If that wasn’t enough, he took notes from @JakeUdell (with @millytamati’s advisorship) with his announcement of investing $1,000 into 100 different creators in celebration of his Bitclout centurion (100th day). #bitcloutgrandpastatus

Good guy Artz just walking around being a good guy.

The 🍒 on top of the clout-cream Sunday? Somehow @artz still finds time to take part in a whole circuit of speaking engagements and community’s Q&A’s, regardless of how prickly. Does this man sleep? Eat? Or does he just ride or die for bitclout 24/7? This is the real engagement leg-work that we think goes unnoticed; hopping on a clubhouse and chatting for ten minutes is one thing, but hitting multiple hour-long podcasts weekly is a massive commitment. Nor does @artz discriminate against podcasts, streams, or clubhouse rooms with smaller listenership, either. In the process, he not only provides invaluable information, but gives the creators interviewing him a massive boost too, and lends his IRL credibility to this crazy project at a critical inflection point in its growth. For that, and for all of the above, we raise our glasses to this community builder extraordinaire 🥂.

Well there you have it. All the tea on Bitclout today. If you weren’t able to make our clubhouse room tonight, no sweat — listen to it on Spotify here. Catch ya on the flip side of the Blockchain listing.

Peace and blessings,





BitsTODAY, a nightly digest of far-out experiments, sick posts, general absurdity, and everything in between happening in the world of DeSo & BitClout… rn.